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More Than

30 Years Of

Legal Advice When Your Child Support Is Being Decided

When you and your child’s other parent are separating or preparing to divorce, a key question is how you will protect your parent-child relationship. How you and your child will spend time together is the essence of your child custody case. How you may pay or receive financial support is the question that your child support order should answer.

In Texas, the state provides a formula or “calculator” to help determine the dollars and cents of child support. The amount of child support that one of you will pay to the other will depend on factors including:

  • Where the child lives most of the time
  • Which parent has a greater income or greater assets

Attorney Adam Seidel is a native of Texas with more than 30 years of legal experience. He or another family law attorney at our firm can provide the information and advocacy you need to understand your child support case.

The Importance Of Getting Child Support Calculations Right

Your child support order as the payer or recipient may have a great impact on your child’s well-being and your financial security for many years. Child support obligations for the paying parent will last until your child is 18, finishes high school or becomes emancipated through marriage or some other way. If your child is disabled, child support obligations may go on indefinitely.

Unpaid child support cannot be eliminated in bankruptcy and if the obligated parent falls deeply into arrears, they could lose their passport or driver’s license and/or go to prison.

At the law offices of Adam L. Seidel, we will help you get it right.

Get Help Obtaining A Child Support Order, A Modification Or Enforcement

The family law system in Texas takes into account the fact that individual and family circumstances may change. There may be good reasons for you to request a modification to your child support order, whether you are the parent who will pay or receive support. If necessary, you or the other parent may request a review of the child support order every three years through the Child Support Division of the Office of the Attorney General. If the other parent does not pay you support as ordered, ask an attorney at our firm to help you pursue enfdorcement solutions.

To learn more , email us or call us at 214-528-3344 (Dallas) or 817-230-4442 (Ft. Worth) or  972-312-1212 (Plano).
