Child Custody In Texas
When you divorce or separate as parents of minor children, the state of Texas expects both parents to continue caring for your children. Two big questions, of course, are where the children will live and how their time will be shared between two households. The answers to those questions may be part of a court order within your divorce decree. If you are unmarried, you may obtain a stand-alone court order to answer the same questions.
Texas statutes refer to child custody as “conservatorship,” and visitation as “possession.” In other states, custody and visitation are called “parenting time.” Whatever terms you use and whatever legal processes you need to answer the big questions, a trusted attorney can provide the clear, reliable legal advice you are looking for as your family’s structure is changing.
At the law office of Adam L. Seidel, we help Texans understand their rights and responsibilities as parents. We walk them through the steps of getting necessary conservatorship and possession orders.
Keeping Your Children’s Best Interests In Focus
When conservatorship and possession of your children are in question, your family law judge will place the highest priority on your children’s best interests. Most of all, the state wants to ensure that your children will be properly cared for.
As you approach your divorce or separation, you and the other parent may ultimately have a joint managing conservatorship (JMC) or you may have a sole managing conservatorship (SMC) for your children.
A joint conservatorship is typical. In this type of arrangement, you and the other parent may have equal or split rights and responsibilities for your child. For help customizing a conservatorship arrangement, turn to the law firm of Adam L. Seidel. Your custody attorney at our firm can help you understand the legal processes and protect your parent-child relationship.
A sole conservatorship may be appropriate if your child’s other parent has not been involved in child-rearing or for other reasons.
Move Forward With Confidence For Your Child’s Sake
You and the other parent may agree on child conservatorship and possession (custody and visitation) or you may need to resolve differences through negotiations, mediation or a trial. At our family law firm, you can count on getting the quality guidance and advocacy you need to do what is best for your children.
To learn more , email us or call us at 214-528-3344 (Dallas) or 817-230-4442 (Ft. Worth) or 972-312-1212 (Plano).